Windows Server® 2008 R2 Branch Office Infrastructure

Lesson 1: Branch Office Infrastructure Solutions Overview

After completing this lesson, attendees will have learned the answers to the following questions:

  • What are the benefits and challenges of the common design strategies for branch office instrastructures?
  • What some of the significant improvements provided by previous versions of Windows that help organizations in optimizing a branch office infrastructure?

Lesson 2: File Sharing and Offline File Improvements

After completing this lesson, attendees will have learned the answers to the following questions:

  • What is background synchronization of offline files?
  • What benefits does background synchronization of offline files provide for end-users and administrators?
  • What settings can be configured to enable background synchronization of offline files?
  • What is transparent caching and how does it benefit users in low bandwidth scenarios?
  • What are the requirements for background synchronization of offline files and transparent caching?

Lesson 3: BranchCacke

After completing this lesson, attendees will have learned the answers to the following questions:

  • What is the difference between the distributed cache and hosted cache modes of BranchCache?
  • What are the security features of BranchCache?
  • How is BranchCache implemented?

Lesson 4: Security Improvements for Branch Offices

After completing this lesson, attendees will have learned the answers to the following questions:

  • How do read-only DFS replicas improve the security of data published to branch offices?
  • What improvements have been made to BitLocker that make is easier to deploy and manage?
  • How can BitLocker be used to secure data on removable storage devices?

Lesson 5: DirectAccess

After completing this lesson, attendees will have learned the answers to the following questions:

  • What are the challenges and limitations associated with traditional VPNs?
  • What benefits does DirectAccess provide?
  • How do DirectAccess clients authenticate and establish a connection with the DirectAccess server?
  • What are the requirements to implement DirectAccess?


  • Experience with Microsoft® Windows Server and client operating systems
  • Familiarity with Active Directory
  • Familiarity with Windows Server 2008



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