Windows Server® 2008 R2 Web Application Platform

Lesson 1:  Overview of Changes in IIS 7.5

After completing this lesson, attendees will have learned the answers to the following questions:

  • What are the major changes between IIS 7.0 and IIS 7.5?
  • What are some benefits of integrated FTP and WebDAV?
  • What is the Administration Pack Extension, and how do I use it?
  • What is the Configuration Editor?
  • What is the benefit of PowerShell integration?
  • How can I use ASP.NET on Server Core?
  • What does the Best Practices Analyzer do?
  • What is Application Pool Isolation?
  • What enhancements have been made to Configuration, Tracing and Logging?
  • Can I log more FTP information?
  • How can I trace problems with FastCGI applications?

Lesson 2:  Installing IIS 7.5

After completing this lesson, attendees will have learned the answers to the following questions:

  • How do I install IIS on the Full Installation of Windows Server 2008 R2?
  • How do I install IIS on a Server Core Installation?

Lesson 3:  Local and Remote Management Tools

After completing this lesson, attendees will have learned the answers to the following questions:

  • What is Server Manager?
  • What is IIS Manager?
  • What is Windows PowerShell? How can I use it with IIS?
  • Can I manage Web servers remotely? How do I configure a server for remote management?

Lesson 4:  Windows PowerShell and IIS 7.5

After completing this lesson, attendees will have learned the answers to the following questions:

  • What can I do with PowerShell?
  • What is the PowerShell provider?
  • What kinds of cmdlets are provided for IIS?
  • How can I find out about the IIS cmdlets?

Lesson 5:  Best Practices Analyzer for IIS

After completing this lesson, attendees will have learned the answers to the following questions:

  • What is BPA?
  • What kinds of things does BPA examine?
  • How do I run BPA and view the results?

Lesson 6:  Web Deployment Tool

After completing this lesson, attendees will have learned the answers to the following questions:

  • What is Web Deployment Tool?
  • How does it integrate with deployment?
  • How do I deploy a WDT package?


  • Attendees should have previous experience managing Microsoft® Windows Server and client operating systems
  • Familiarity with Windows Server 2008



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